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Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu Team

After receiving my Black Belt from Carlson Gracie Jr., I realized it was time to take Jiu Jitsu more seriously and help spread the art that I fell in love with nearly two decades prior. 

I had actively put off being promoted beginning way back at Purple Belt.  I would much rather be the most savage colored belt than have anyone question the legitimacy of what I had around my waist. 

Then one day, I couldn't hide from it any longer and it was time to face the music.  At my Black Belt promotion, I started another brand new journey with Jiu Jitsu and would love to make you a part of it! 

Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu Vancouver

BJJ with Hoodies

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was originally created to help a smaller individual subdue and defeat a larger, stronger opponent.  It was never intended to be a sport or to ignore the potential of being punched while you're on the ground.

For a self-defense related approach, we have an entire class focused on learning to strangle each other with hooded sweatshirts instead of a traditional gi or kimono!

Adult BJJ Classes

Adult classes center around concepts.  These concepts can be applied in all situations, to help improve your position or better setup a submission opportunity.

By teaching the application of concepts as opposed to dogmatic and robotic movements, our students make progress at rates far faster than most traditional schools.

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Exceptional quality instruction

Exceptional quality instruction

The sign of a great instructor is one who can articulate complex concepts in a concise way that you can naturally understand and immediately add into your game. 

Not everyone learns in the same fashion or understands the same cues.  A good instructor will be able to communicate details in a way that just makes sense

 In Jiu Jitsu, sometimes we use terms or words that are relatively ambiguous when it comes to the precise mechanism of action we're attempting to accomplish.  Take something like "squeezing" on a choke... what exactly does that mean?  Squeeze means different things to different people.  And a squeeze of a guillotine choke is probably going to seem completely different than the squeeze of a triangle choke, especially to someone who just started training. 

By doing something as simple as assigning the proper vocabulary to the way things "feel", students are able to rapidly progress and find almost instantaneous success.  So when a student is told to squeeze  on a specific choke, they understand the chain of muscles that need to fire and the order they need to fire in for the most efficient effect.

When a student fundamentally understands concepts of Jiu Jitsu as opposed to robotic move sequences and memorized routes, they will be able to prevail in the long run because they're better equipped to adapt when the need arises.

That is the type of exceptional quality Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instruction we provide.


In the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community, the Lineage Game is more about assumed bragging rights than a direct reflection of one's skill level.  However, the idea is similar to golf though; you want to have a low-number when it comes to tracing your belts back to the original source & who you received it from.

Conde Koma
Mitsuyo Maeda

The Instructor to the Gracies

Carlos Gracie
Carlos Gracie

Father of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Carlson Gracie Sr.
Carlson Gracie

The Innovator

Carlson Gracie Jr.
Carlson Gracie Jr.

The Prince of Jiu Jitsu

Professor Jon

ThinkTANK BJJ founder


If you're looking for the best Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes in Vancouver, WA then you want to join ThinkTank BJJ & Kickboxing.

Check out our FAQ section which may be of some help.  Otherwise, we encourage you to use the contact page to reach out for an answer.