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What To Expect?

If you're the type to be intimidated prior to starting a new activity, then I can guarantee you'll love the way I run a training session.  I was there at one point; nervous and timid, unsure if I'd be able to keep up or even make it through a class!  Don't worry!  I ensure the class environment is one where you're laughing even harder than you're working.

 A typical class format goes like this:

  • Classes are 50-60min long and boxing gloves are required (we have some you can borrow though!)
  • Warm-up with basic movements, jumping rope, etc.
  • Shadow boxing and footwork to loosen up arms & legs while gently raising your heart rate
  • A specific technique or combination will be demonstrated, explained, demonstrated again, shown with some examples, then demonstrated once more
  • You'll work with a partner, practicing a set series of techniques or combinations; some offense, some defense (bring a friend if you're nervous!)
  • We generally end with a kickboxing themed circuit workout to train things like balance, agility, conditioning, stamina, as well as bag work and striking drills
Get Started for $1

The Best Kickboxing Classes in Vancouver, WA

If you have been looking for a fantastic way to get fit that is as fun as it is effective, then sign up now to get notified! 

Our kickboxing classes help push your cardio, build core strength, increase flexibility, and teach effective striking techniques.  Whether you're orthodox, a southpaw, or have no idea what that means, that's fine!  You'll have a great time either way while we help you figure it out.  We offer, hands down, the most engaging kickboxing classes in Vancouver, WA.

Expert Instruction

Throwing a punch is far more than just hurling your fist out in front of you as fast and as hard as you can.  And kicking is even more nuanced than punching!  However, we ensure that you know what your feet should be doing, how your weight should be distributed, where your hands go, and the placement of your head during the process.  Having a coach there to cue you about those details in a way that helps anchor them in is what we do.  We guide you through the techniques so you feel comfortable and competent with them.  When you are comfortable, you'll not only perform better, you'll have an overall better time!

Get Started for $1

All Levels, Any Skill.

Whether it's your first day or first title defense, we cater to all levels.  You don't need to feel like you'll be too far behind to start.  During the warm-up, we're able to identify students who may need extra attention or modifications made to moves in order to work around an injury or flexibility restriction.  This way, the bulk of the instruction can be tailored to a level that is appropriate for everyone.  It is important to us that new students feel immediately welcomed & "at home" on our mats, regardless of the class or activity they're participating in.

kickboxing classes in Vancouver

Kickboxing classes in Vancouver, WA

The best class is the one you can't wait to attend every time.  Our kickboxing classes fit that description.  Punch, Kick, Elbow, Knee, laugh, repeat!  You'll have such a good time, you'll forget it's supposed to be a workout.

Come Get Started Now! 

There is never going to be a perfect time, so if that's what you've been waiting for, just dive in & get started!  The only regret you'll really have is not starting sooner.  At least you'll get a lot of quality reps in while you're kicking yourself about waiting so long to sign up...  😉

Get Started for $1